Warranty repairs are not fun (RRoD)

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red ring of death
(The pic is mine.)
My Xbox 360 Elite completely and finally died. I got it last September and it's been acting funny for a few weeks. It sometimes freezes while streaming movies and freezes at the xbox logo or when going thru the blades to get to movies/games. It's been good for the last 10 days - mostly because I haven't used it. I called 1800-4-My-XBOX and got a Indian lady.

I only had to wait on hold 20 seconds or less, but once talking to the tech she had me on hold much longer - my phone said 27 minutes by the time she was done. She seemed very new because she stuck me on hold forever between each step.

I read her my serial # and immediately she told me, "my warranty expired and repair will cost $99." So I ask her to check again.

IMG_0038 640.JPGShe said "out of warranty, it expired in 2003." (The xbox 360 released Nov. 2005)

I ask her how long the 360 warranty is supposed to be, she replies 1 year...(Psst... Xbox 360 Warranties are 3 years).

I tell her I have a 360 elite and got it 10 months ago, it cannot be out of warranty. She tells me it is in warranty and it "will expire September 12, 2008" (what!). Rrrriight...

So the service number given works on the xbox service site and I know the UPS/FedEx box will be her sometime this week. I wonder if she was trained to try to steal my $99 or she just was new/incompetent. 

(That's a pic of what it looks like when it freezes)

My 360 freezing at the startup animation (youtube)

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